
已创建:March 8, 2024
2 videos
  • Apply Modern Requirements and Systems Engineering for Faster Product Development
    0:43:18 Mar 7, 2024
    Apply Modern Requirements and Systems Engineering for Faster Product Development
    0:43:18 Mar 7, 2024

    Watch the webinar to explore the future of electronics product development, focusing on Altium’s recent acquisition of Valispace. Understand how Valispace transforms requirements management and systems engineering, fostering enhanced collaboration, speeding up design processes, and leading to better products.

  • Apply Modern Requirements and Systems Engineering for Faster Product Development
    1:0:3 Mar 13, 2024
    Apply Modern Requirements and Systems Engineering for Faster Product Development
    1:0:3 Mar 13, 2024

    Watch the webinar to explore the future of electronics product development, focusing on Altium’s recent acquisition of Valispace. Understand how Valispace transforms requirements management and systems engineering, fostering enhanced collaboration, speeding up design processes, and leading to better products.



  • 做出准确的设计权衡,以构建您打算的产品。
  • 在概念规划和详细系统设计之间架起桥梁。
  • 将系统工程和需求管理顺畅集成到您的工作流程中。
  • 通过自动检查确保您的设计满足行业标准和合规要求。
  • 通过访问实时数据和分析增强决策制定。
  • 通过将需求直接连接到设计数据来实现更快的迭代。
  • 主动解决设计问题,加速您的上市路径。
  • 通过更多关注设计而不是管理复杂性来促进创新。