Altium 365 Update: Simplifying Project Access Management

David Haboud
|  Created: August 5, 2024

In the fast-paced world of electronics design, collaboration and security are key components to a successful project lifecycle. With its latest update, Altium 365 has greatly improved the ability to manage sharing permissions throughout a Workspace, including for stored Projects and other design items. This enhancement empowers users to efficiently control access to projects in large batches, saving time and reducing the complexity of managing access for teams.

By streamlining the process of sharing design data and ensuring that sensitive information remains protected, the new sharing permissions update improves how teams collaborate on their electronic design projects. In this article, we'll explore the new capabilities and practical applications of this update to help you get the most out of Altium 365.

Before and After Comparison

Before this update, managing project access could become a time-consuming task for teams with a large number of projects. Each project within a Workspace required individual attention, as permissions were controlled on a per-project basis. Additionally, default project rights had to be set manually.

With this update, Altium 365 has streamlined how project access is managed. Users can now set permissions for a folder once, and these permissions automatically propagate to every child folder and project within the hierarchy. This means that project access can be controlled efficiently in large batches, freeing up valuable time and resources for more critical design tasks.

Controlling Permissions

As part of this update, a new capability called Detachment is available. This allows users greater control over permissions propagation between parent and child items, offering the flexibility needed to customize permissions more precisely for specific project requirements.

Detachment enables users to update the permissions of a child item so that it no longer inherits permissions from its parent. By detaching an item, you can set unique access rules for that particular item and its sub-items, breaking the automatic propagation of permissions. Propagation can be restored at any time by aligning the permissions between the parent and child, allowing for dynamic adjustments to project access.

It's important to note that if you detach an item from its parent’s permissions, you will need to manage a new set of permissions starting at this new detachment point. 

For those with existing Workspaces, detached folders or items may already be present due to the permissions you had before this update. We recommend reviewing your permissions in Altium 365 to ensure they align with your current project needs and organizational policies.

Explore the New Capabilities

To help you better understand and utilize the new Sharing Permissions Update in Altium 365, we invite you to take an interactive tour. This guided experience will allow you to explore the enhanced permissions management features, including the new Detachment capability, and see how they can improve your existing workflows.


Streamline Access Management

This update to Altium 365's sharing permissions significantly enhances your ability to manage access to Workspace content. By automating permission propagation and providing flexible control options like Detachment, you can save valuable time and ensure your team members have the right access to the right data. These improvements not only streamline your workflow but also strengthen security by allowing precise control over who can view and modify your design projects.

For more details about this update, please refer to our comprehensive documentation article: Managing Content Structure Access.

About Author

About Author

David Haboud joined Altium as a Product Marketing Engineer in 2015. He studied electrical engineering, emphasizing computer architecture and hardware/software design at the University of Southern California. As an embedded software engineer in the aerospace industry, his focus on firmware development and data acquisition for auxiliary power units highlighted the importance of cross-functional collaboration. Through his engineering experiences, he discovered his passion for enabling cross-discipline engineers to communicate effectively. In his spare time, he hosts and performs in improvisational and stand-up comedy nights in San Diego, California.

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